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The team at Vivian Dental pride themselves on offering quality, individually tailored dental treatment plans. 

We keep up-to-date with the latest technology, while not forgetting that the focus is on keeping things cost-effective for our patients. 

What we offer

Dental Examination and Tailored Advice

The most important message to get across to patients is that regular check-ups (annually) will help prevent dental caries (decay) and the need for intervention. We offer radiographs and a thorough intra-oral check-up for our patients.

Crowns, Bridges, Implant Crowns and Prosthetics

We offer the latest CAD-CAM scanning technology (CEREC) for fabricating in-house crowns and inlays and more.

We are lucky to be able to work closely with our local technicians. We also work closely with other dental laboratories around the country. Our labs help fabricate partial dentures, dentures, bite splints, mouth-guards, bridges, crowns and implant crowns.

Winz Quotes and Free Treatment for Under 18's and ACC

We are contracted with Te Whata Ora to provide routine dental treatment for adolescents under the age of 18 years. We provide quotes for patients who qualify for WINZ support and we work with ACC to help fund treatment for accident related injuries. 

Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment) 

Endodontic treatment  is a final option to save a tooth. Preventing the need for endodontic treatment is our focus.  When required we offer treatment in simple endodontic cases and refer the more complex treatment  to a endodontic specialist to ensure the best outcome for the patient. 

Dental Hygienist Services

We encourage regular cleans and have the newest technology EMS airflow master prophylaxis. Our hygienist and dentists will help educate patients on plaque control to help prevent dental caries and periodontal (gum) disease.


We offer tooth coloured direct restorations (composite fillings). We also have the latest technology in Cerec CAD-CAM chair-side manufactured indirect ceramic restorations.

Minor Oral Surgery (Extractions) 

We always want to be able to save teeth, but when indicated we offer tooth extraction.


We offer at-home whitening kits with PolaNight and PolaDay products. Bridget Dodunski offers in house whitening using Co Lab products. 

After-hours Care

Weekend emergency treatment in Taranaki is provided by an on-call dentist rostered by the local branch of the NZ Dental Association. Phone 06 753 7866.

Specialist Referral

We have close working relationships with dental specialists in the fields of periodontology, prosthodontics, endodontics, orthodontics and oral surgery. We can facilitate prompt review by a specialist should the need arise.